This girl was stuck on a boat with her Tinderdate who had taken another 15 other girls

Gepubliceerd op 17 september 2016 om 15:42

The American Kayla Hutch had a match on datingapp Tinder with Adam. When he invited her on a boat trip, she agreed immediately.

Naamloos2-595.pngOnce she saw that Adam had taken many other girls, which he and his friends tried to drunk as quickly as possible. Kayla streamed her story live on Facebook.

When Kayla at the boat arrived and saw that Adam had invited his friends and 15 other girls, she knew that their date not really good would run. When she later saw Adam pillow with one of the other girls, she decided her experience to stream live on Facebook.

Although they are clearly not at ease, she sees the humor of the situation. She quips that she feels as if they were in The Bachelor is. So she tells among other things that the first girl to whom she asked how they knew Adam, replied that she knew him from Tinder. A little later she tells how Adam with a handsome Brazilian at the pillow, "but he told me that it is okay, that I'm not uncomfortable should feel because that it is not."

Kayla tried to escape the uncomfortable situation, but that did not go without a hitch. Move away was not an option, because that she can't. In Norway, they tried a different boat beyond then but to attract the attention of that driver. "I called to one of those passing boats. I said that I would pay $ 100 to get me to bring back and they said no. I'm stuck here because I can't swim. "

She tried the help of her friends on Facebook. "I don't know anyone of these people. If someone is on Lake Michigan, come save me please. " Finally, they nevertheless escape thanks to another boat that came to pick up her.

By the editorial staff the news sheet: Photo: Facebook

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