Turkish boss Hells Angels Germany shot

Gepubliceerd op 7 oktober 2016 om 14:51

The boss of the Hells Angels in the German city of Giessen today shot. The lifeless body of 45-year-old Aygün Mucuk was found this morning in the grounds of the motorcycle. Mucuk was the leader of the Turkish branch of the Hells Angels in Germany.

Naamloos2-776.pngAccording to German police several times was fired at him. It is still unclear who is behind the shooting. The perpetrator would still be on the run.

According to the German media has to allow for the murder of a brother quarrel 'between two factions of the Hells Angels. There have been several clashes in the past between the traditional Hells Angels from Frankfurt and the Turkish department in Gießen.

Mutual conflict
In 2014 Mucuk became even injured in a shooting in Frankfurt. This also happened during a mutual conflict between different factions of the Hells Angels.

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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