Labour Party election manifesto: Racism harder to tackle

Gepubliceerd op 25 oktober 2016 om 11:38

The PvdA wants discrimination fight much harder. Racism must as a hate crime are treated with higher penalties and the party wants to specialized agents to address the problem.

download-42.pngThis is stated in the election program which presented the Labour Party tonight in Rotterdam. The Social Democrats want employers who are guilty of discrimination against their employees or applicants are pilloried: naming and shaming the worst offenders. Also have to identify and prosecute the police and judiciary often perpetrators of racism. 

,, Discrimination is splitting society. You can see that the debate about Zwarte Piet though it may not be fed normally. We need to tackle hard, "said Labour Party chairman Hans Spekman.

The theme of the program, entitled "A connected society," that the Netherlands again what saamhoriger be. Spekman: ,, The economic crisis is behind us, but insidiously we lost a lot of collateral. Also, we are more heated with heads facing each other. "

Therefore want to invest the Social Democrats in mixed neighborhoods and schools and teach children about prejudice and social skills during the course of citizenship.

It is also striking that the PvdA wants to subsidize 100,000 jobs, such as janitors, supervisors in the tram and helpers in sports. This should not lead to displacement of existing jobs. In addition, there should be a 36-hour week, allowing people to work four days of 9 hours and could one day be home.

Read the whole article at:

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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