The prosecution rejects the claims on which submitted 40 Moroccans against Geert Wilders. They demand every 500 euros because of the notorious' less Marokkanen' ruling.
The Public Prosecutor (OM) states that the Moroccans simply have no right to compensation. The prosecution therefore recommends that the court should dismiss the claims, a spokesman confirmed.
Prosecutors are recognized by the OM not meet the legal conditions for compensation.What they are, the OM will explain next week during the trial. The court must take the final decision, but had the OM asked for advice.
The claims are part of the criminal proceedings against Wilders , which starts next Monday. The PVV leader is prosecuted for statements made in March 2014, when he asked a room full of party members whether they wanted more or less Moroccans in the Netherlands. Chanted the pre-informed public "less, less. Wilders replied: ,, We will arrange it. '
The 40 Moroccans say hurt by these statements feeling. ,, The Wilders' statements have had an impact on many Moroccans, including my clients, '' said lawyer Göran Sluiter. He reacts disappointed in the opinion of the Prosecutor. ,, This is a setback. But we put the requirement through: we find a compensation of 500 euros per person is still in place. My clients wondered whether their future is still here after Wilders' statements, and feel discriminated against. This makes them harmed. The situation of my clients is not less severe than in other criminal cases, which indeed has been awarded damages due to discrimination. ''
The trial is expected to last three weeks. Next Friday, on the fifth sitting day, Shutter and his fellow attorneys will explain the claim for damages in court. The process takes place for safety in the high security court at Schiphol.
By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters
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