Astrid Holleeder murder Wild brother William

Gepubliceerd op 5 november 2016 om 11:50

Astrid Holleeder has seriously considered to murder her criminal brother William. ,,It's enough. I'm going to murder him, '' Astrid describes in her book published today Judas: A Family Chronicle. She was the long-term 'terror' was her brother, but eventually saw off the plan to shoot him.

Naamloos2-939.pngThe book is like a will and accountability are seen for her daughter. Earlier this year it was announced that Justice Willem Holleeder suspects that his sisters, who have made incriminating statements about him, wanted to liquidate.

,, Wind up or liquidated was an important part of our lives, '' writes his sister now. ,, I would not try to get away with it, I'm not like him. I would take my responsibility and show myself, '' Astrid resolved.

On the treatment table of the physical therapist, she decided not to do it anyway. ,, You're tired because others diminish your energy, '' said the therapist. ,, You do not solve everyone's problems. '' That comment set her thinking. They abandoned the murder plan, but not wholeheartedly.

,, Now, in retrospect, I think I had it done so, I would have been rather pretty, I might have been nine years and I was with good behavior within six years out, young enough to rebuild a life . Now I have for life whether he is or not convicted. I regret.''

Astridt tells about her life with her brother, the criminal Willem Holleeder. In two interviews with the Volkskrant and De Telegraaf, the lawyer gives a foretaste of her chronicle of a family which never laughed.

In the Times , she describes her brother as a ruthless criminal ,, missing a link in the chain '. In this he differs in its view of his former friend Cor van Hout, the man who kidnapped along with Holleeder "Mr Heineken" and was killed in 2003 ,, Cor was a nice guy. He had joie de vivre. No one knew it at our house, "she says. ,, For the people Cor around him was soft. Most criminals do what they do before their family. So that they can live well. Wim not. That just destroyed their own environment. ''

By going to law school Astrid Holleeder tried to loosen ,, a tarnished family history, which I actually had no part. I was 17 when Heineken was kidnapped and knew like the rest of our family of anything, "said the former confidante of Willem Holleeder in De Telegraaf .

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By Editors AD: Photo: Lebowski

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