Ten people demand compensation of Geert Wilders. The plaintiffs feel hurt by the ' Marokkanen'-less pronunciation of the PVV leader in 2014. Ad-reporter Tobias DD is at the third day of hearing. Follow the case here live via Twitter.
According to Geert-Jan Knoops, the lawyer for Geert Wilders, it is still questionable whether his client can be prosecuted. He says that it is unreasonable to prosecute because the ruling was political policy and earlier statements by Wilders. The lawyer argued that the judge no ruling on.
Kahn also map to that such statements for years ' commonplace ' in the PVV, but that it has done nothing all this time.
The plaintiffs say are treated to feel inferior and to worry about the future. This in particular because Wilders said, we will arrange that '', after the Hall had chanted "less, less! '.
Lawyer Goran Shutter claims the mental anguish on behalf of those affected. He also represents two advocacy groups who believe that Wilders should take back his statement. Go to the National Council the Moroccans and the Association Emcemo (Euro-Mediterranean Migration & Development Centre). According to the organizations the future is bleak by the words of PVV'er.
The victims had until the third day of hearing that is taking place today to sue. Seven of the ten demands an amount of 500 euro.
By the editors AD: Photo: REUTERS
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