Chairman AMC anonymously donate a kidney

Gepubliceerd op 8 oktober 2016 om 13:24

As a physician, you see a lot of terrible things you are guaranteed to thinking. Marcel Levi, Chairman of the AMC, was so touched by his work that he decided to anonymously donate a kidney.


The 52-year-old Levi was recently operated on in his own hospital. When that happened, he would not say, because the recipient could then figure out his identity. He said in the Volkskrant that he wants to motivate others to donate a kidney. "A transplant changed their lives radically," said the chairman.

Lifelong pleasure

Thanks to a donor kidney have a kidney patient no longer dialysis every week. "I've done something I found important and the chances are that someone else has a very long time."

It is not often that someone donates a kidney to a stranger. This year, seven people have donated a kidney to a stranger. But the number is increasing, the Dutch Transplant Foundation (NTS) reports. The NTS think people are brought by examples in their environment on the idea.
Half of kidney patients has itself a donor, such as a spouse, brother or sister.

By Editors Metro News Photo: Reuters

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