Examination IndusTox disagrees with criticism of an investigation that the company exported to artificial turf with rubber granules
The organization said he was not asked for an explanation before a critical broadcast of Zembla research earlier this week.
'' Zembla has not informed at IndusTox nor questions or given the opportunity to give an explanation. It was an initial investigation, limited in scope by a limited research budget, '' the company said that urinalysis conducted among seven players.
Omitted Urine samples
IndusTox also denies that the investigation had been tampered with urine samples to omit. '' But some urine samples were diluted or concentrated so that the secretion did not go normally; such samples are therefore not included. ""
In the Zembla broadcast scientists came to speak those holes shot in the investigation. They did not exclude the so-called rubber granulate indeed contains carcinogens, while the research cited by Zembla showed that athletes on artificial pitches were not exposed to such substances.
New research
The broadcast led to much fanfare. Minister Edith Schippers (Sport), the National Institute for Health and the Environment (RIVM) been instructed to re-examine or rubber granules on artificial turf can harm health.
By Editors RTL News: Photo: Reuters
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