Undercover Action Stegeman leads to investigation 'illegal mosque marriage'

Gepubliceerd op 11 oktober 2016 om 12:47

The Public Prosecutor (OM) does a 'exploratory research' to the Al-Raza mosque in Almere. This is done in response to a broadcast of Undercover Netherlands presenter Alberto Stegeman. It seemed as if the mosque cooperate in unlawful religious marriages.


The program, which was broadcast last night on SBS6, was to see that took a woman as if she wanted to marry a Muslim who already had two wives. The hidden camera was the chairman of the Al-Raza mosque understood that he wanted to contribute to such a marriage.

That while it is illegal in the Netherlands to marry multiple partners. a religious marriage also may only be consummated if a couple is already married before the civil status. Whether there really has been an illegal marriage in the Al-Raza mosque is unclear. Later in the broadcast says the president at Stegeman that he never did.

The prosecution wants to see now whether crimes took place in the mosque. There is no question of being. Adjust view after exploratory research OM is whether there is someone to appear in court.

The broadcast of 'Undercover Netherlands' made many loose. As the mayor of Almere, Franc Weather Wind, on Omroep Flevoland said that he was seriously shocked by the images. CDA and SP have asked parliamentary questions.

Some call mosques and imams from the four major cities in a press release to conclude Islamic marriages more if not fixed in advance that a marriage is registered with the registry office. ,, If the Dutch law prescribes a religious ceremony may take place only if the marriage took place in front of the registrar of civil status, the Muslim must adhere to this, '' they write in a statement.

In addition, two other mosques require correcting Alberto Stegeman. The Umar Mosque and Islamic Centre Imam Malik came into the picture in the broadcast, but say they have nothing to do with illegal marriages.

By Editors AD: Photo: Google Maps

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