Coffee shops extorted

Gepubliceerd op 20 oktober 2016 om 15:50

The impressive array of shelling of coffee shops in the city may have to do with pure extortion. Blue Lagoon on the Overtoom is the sixth coffee shop in a year which should close after an overnight shooting.

Coffee shops extorted


"It is unlikely that these are isolated incidents. There may be extortion owners, but also a deliberate attempt to eliminate competition. These are the two main scenarios where we look at, "said spokesperson Leo Dortland police. He stressed that the Corps 'looks wide' and examine more scenarios.

The people behind the shelling, a pressure medium with one hundred percent guarantee.Every time a shop being shot, shut mayor Eberhard van der Laan the case. Without any form of investigation into the background of the shooting. Public order and security are at stake. And that matters most.

Possibly putting criminals owners under pressure to take drugs only from a particular organization. Or they simply switch to force it off by closing the competition.

Wednesday was fired at four o'clock in the morning Blue Lagoon on the Overtoom. Again in the middle of the night. "It falls on. The overnight shelling of a shop is strange. It seems purely focused on the effect: namely closure, "says Dort Country.

The shelling have a major impact on the environment. Dort Country: "Residents are really anxious. It is just shot on the open road on buildings. "The police are doing every time detailed forensics. "We also hope that witnesses report with information."

There is no separate team formed to examine the shelling. The attacks are examined by teams working in the area where the incidents have been. "They do exchange information among themselves."

Since October last year, six coffeeshops fired a total of eight times. It is mainly about wiet- and hashish shops of owners with a Dutch-Moroccan. That happened with automatic and conventional weapons. In the coffee industry in Amsterdam earlier been serious threats, extortion and kidnapping.

The Telegraph Editors: Photo: Marcel Antonisse

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