In ten years, doubling young comaslurpers

Gepubliceerd op 27 oktober 2016 om 16:01

More and more young people with alcohol poisoning recorded in the emergency department. In the age to eighteen years there has even been a doubling since 2006. According to figures from the organization SecurityNL


Ten years ago there were 800 young comazuipers under eighteen years old to the hospital.In 2015, that number is already twice: in 1600 young people who need urgent medical attention after ingesting alcohol. The number of accidents is increasing by alcohol.

According SecurityNL is the risk with alcohol poisoning to be the greatest in the age group of 18-24, followed by the age group 10-17 years. Excessive alcohol consumption is not only alcohol poisoning as a result. Last year, more than fifteen thousand people were treated following an accident or violence involving alcohol. Ten years ago this was not ten thousand times.

The abuse of alcohol is also a cost. In 2015, the total social costs of alcohol poisoning almost 24 million euros. Accidents under the influence of alcohol were estimated to account for € 47 million in direct medical costs and € 76 million in absenteeism costs.

Earlier it was announced that young people are increasingly imbibe or look for other opportunities to sneak to drink alcohol, as parents strengthen supervision on alcohol. In 2014 it was decided to postpone the age for alcohol consumption from 16 to 18 years.

VeiligheidNL is an independent non-profit foundation. In the Injury Information System (LIS) of VeiligheidNL are victims of an accident, violence or in connection with self-inflicted injuries are treated in a section of selected hospitals in the Netherlands.

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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