Police rolling line drugs in Amsterdam

Gepubliceerd op 28 oktober 2016 om 12:18

With the arrest of four persons Amsterdam police have broken up a drug line.


Three of them, two men and a woman, would have dealt in hard drugs. During the police investigation, which lasted several months, found that thousands of buyers had contact with dealers.

When the arrests Tuesday and searches in homes struck the detective in Amsterdam-South trade stocks of drugs and more than 40,000 euros in cash.

The police, the matter came to the track after an anonymous report. Research showed that orders were made via a mobile number and that hard drugs were then delivered to the desired location.

The defendants must appear Friday at the magistrate, who decides whether they remain stuck longer. The police will focus in the coming period in the investigation on the alleged clients of the dealers.

The Telegraph Editors: Photo: Peter Schoonen

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