"I would certainly not take care my mother '

Gepubliceerd op 1 november 2016 om 11:17

BLACK LIST IGZIn all 29 nursing homes of the great care organization Careyn is the care so poor, that the inspection forcing her now to make improvements.


Told this newspaper a prominent leadership recognizes that Careyn has reached the bottom. ,, I would not stay here even post my own mother. "

The Health Inspectorate (Inspectorate) yesterday afternoon released a new black list out.Of the eleven nursing homes last summer and were only performing health care off the bus, there are about five: Careyn, Humanitas, Laurens, Motion 3.0 and Cours. There are also three new entrants to the blacklist: Cato from The Hague, Care Residence Sunbeam from Hilversum and Avondrust in Veenendaal. They are "little ones" in the healthcare sector.

Careyn is the most worrying blip on the updated list. All 29 nursing homes in Utrecht, South Holland and Brabant placed into receivership yesterday.

It is certainly wrong for two years in the care organization, which serves about 2400 residents. The Inspectorate went numerous times to visit, but the improvement has resulted in its "too slow or no results.

At most locations there are too few (highly skilled) employees. Absenteeism is high, there is a lack of time and overload, and client records are a mess. Careyn additionally put too many invaders and flex workers a low level, according to the inspection report. According to the regulator, these employees do not cope with the heavy client care.

A prominent leader whose name and function is known to the editor, all recognize this criticism. Even with retraining where Careyn now earmarked 14 million, the level of nurses remains in his view too low. ,, Most of the staff have level 2. If you lift up a level, they can maybe wash the residents, brushing teeth or put on the toilet, but they can take away the anxiety of residents? They see when a resident is dehydrated? Or the difference between hyper and hypo? "

A bit of a laugh he sees barely in nursing homes. ,, Of macrameeën to bingo; there is no more time for occupational therapy. Employees run itself from the legs under their bodies to take care of everyone and clean up the mess. "The latter shoots at most nursing homes Careyn, he said. ,, It's a fucking mess. You see baskets standing with dirty laundry, sections smell like piss. " A division was described in a report earlier this year which was so much dirt that 14 containers were needed to clean up.

A spokesman for Careyn responds annoyed at criticism from their own circle. ,, It paints a painful picture here of an indescribable mess. I fight very much, "he says ,, It's true that employees run out of the seam, and we do everything possible to improve care Note:.. It's as big organization not easy within a half thousand years find highly trained nurses. "

in vain
The anonymous manager hopes that finally something will change now that the inspection intervenes. ,, At the moment I would not post my mother in one of our homes. Certainly not.The human dimension is gone, "he says.

According to him, the Board of Careyn spent too long to get out of the red and lacking a vision for health care. ,, Four years ago we had nursing homes, home care, an emergency center, maternity care, a listing of resources, and so on. The new board has things cleaned up quite rightly, but sold most companies at a loss. "

Regional managers were presented with a budget with the message: "Here you have to do it with." But there is not looked at what was needed in the workplace. "This argument has chipped internal countless times, he says. In vain. ,, The budget of 2017 is there again. The staff need to step up and do again. That's not right. "

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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Careyn is imposed an 'indication'. The care has not improved within six months, the inspection may impose a fine or force the government to implement its proposed measures.


Also Humanitas, Cato and Care Residence Sunbeam had such evidence, but Careyn is the only and first on the blacklist where a special intervention team will be flown in to do the job.


This team is a collaboration of health care offices, the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA), the Ministry of Health and the inspection itself can take such severe measures, such as the replacement of team leadership, recruiting specialist nurses, a recording stop or even closure of a nursing home.

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