Norah (4) shows a widower for the laugh first time

Gepubliceerd op 1 november 2016 om 17:22

The 4-year-old Norah Wood from the US state of Georgia has forever changed with a visit to a supermarket the life of 82-year-old widower Dan Peterson. A simple conversation the old man had to laugh first time since his wife died.

14915627_1221786061226260_4515776496247792411_n-1.jpgNorah called last month with childlike innocence: ,, Hey, old gentleman! It's my birthday today! "Her mother Tara Wood did not know where the search was to shame, because her daughter the old man said. The man's face was shopping by himself, but brightened immediately. ,, how old did you become? ", he asked warmly.

The little girl wanted a picture with the elderly man she after the brief conversation 'Mister Dan' above. They even gave each other a hug before they again went their own way. But that was not all.

First time
Mother Tara informed the incident and the photograph of her daughter with Mister Over on Facebook. Someone from her acquaintances recognized the man as Dan Peterson and wrote: ,, That's the first time I see him smile since his wife died. "

Peterson lost his wife in March and then fell into a depression. Six months later he met Norah in the shop and found his smile. ,, That day I walked around full of self-pity, "he told CNN. ,, But it changed."

Through that knowledge Tara contacted Dan. He invited mother and her daughter at his home. ,, It was very nice, "said Wood. Since then a close friendship arise that can not go wrong. ,, Norah showed me a deeper form of love," said Peterson. ,, A form of love that I never knew existed. "

At their meeting held terror attacks him awake at night. Now he sleeps like a baby. ,, Bother to notice people, for the impact you can have is perhaps gigantic, "said Tara about the lesson which Norah taught her in their lives.

By Editors AD: Photo: Facebook

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