Labour was considering replacing Samson

Gepubliceerd op 5 november 2016 om 10:56

The Labour Party has seriously considered after the dramatic elections of 2014 to replace Diederik Samson. Lodewijk Asscher would be his successor, from the Cabinet. That Samson confirms today in an interview in the AD Magazine, in which he also talks for the first time openly about his divorce.


The sensitive issue of a possible withdrawal was raised in the periphery of an informal meeting of the party leadership after the local elections of March 2014. These included Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Asscher and Samson himself. In the party began talking about the need for an emergency scenario like Samson would be too much.

Samson proposes that there should be given to the continuity as a political accident would happen. ,, If it would happen to me, it would be logical if Louis then took over. It was an unwritten agreement. '' In the camp Asscher states that seriously taken into account that Samson step should do aside. An insider confirms that Asscher was ready just in case. ,, But Diederik is steel, which can have more than others, so it never happened. ''

The Labour leader says that the short ,, '' played. Samson: ,, There have been moments when I thought: if it continues for a while so ... Even my physical comes to an end at some point. The tension is so great that you feel a stick in your back. It is an extreme voltage.Makes you no better man and a better politician. ''

It has been discussed, says Samson, ,, but the situation was not as if I had written my political testament. '' The Labour leader but saw no signs of recovery. His marriage was once again on the rocks, the economy remained in the doldrums. The stress was big.

The Labour leader is facing a government term rotate. In 2021 he was fifty, ,, a good age to do something else. '' The two Labour leaders Asscher and Samson in the coming months, facing each other in the ring for the battle for the party leadership. Samson says it ,, in some uncomfortable '' is that Asscher and fight for leadership. ,, I shared everything with Louis the past few years. ''

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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