Former police chief explains Bouman work down

Gepubliceerd op 8 november 2016 om 14:00

DECLARATION OF SCANDAL: Former police chief Gerard Bouman, who was an adviser to the police, explains his work temporarily down. That was decided after consultation with Minister Ard van der Steur of Security and Justice, as sources confirm this newspaper. The minister later today will bring the House up to date.


The position of Bouman has come under fire by the declaration scandal surrounding the Central Works Council (CWC) of the National Police. Its possible role is examined therein.Ongoing research Bouman will not perform more work. Last night made all the plenary CWC known to resign .

Last week, the current Chief Constable Erik Akerboom made the results of an exploratory study on the spree by the council in 2015 known . This shows that the COR could not justify spending much.

Much of the budget of 1.6 million euros was spent on dinners, parties, parties, nights with champagne breakfast and hiring of coaches among others image. ,, There was ineffective and increasingly disproportionate expenditure, "said pole.

The police chief did in October declaration against the then President of the COR, Frank Giltay. Now running criminal investigation against him. Giltay is accused, among other things frequently have pinned by credit of the police and jaunt to have to Curacao.

The scandal occurred when Bouman was police chief. According to his successor pole was missing at that time a critical eye from the police top on the CWC spending.

In police circles suggests that Bouman the CWC with the mega-budget 'bribed' so tough decision press. His unpopular decisions taken during the reorganization of the National Police, which could be put through the adoption of the COR.

Following the publication of the first results by pole gave Van der Steur Minister commissioned an external study on the role of the former chief of police. When asked why Bouman was not given inactive , Van der Steur said then that he wants to make decisions based on facts. A large part of the opposition wanted to correct or that the police adviser would resign his job.

temporary COR
,, A logical and sensible step, "mentions Chairman Jan Struijs police union NPB the resignation of Bouman. ,, This creates the peace needed to conduct good research."

According to Jan Struijs should as soon as possible to establish a temporary council. ,, The police for some tough decisions. For example, playing a personnel reorganization, and there is a number of major tenders for the door as the police ME phones and cars. Which require the approval of a council. "

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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