'Situation cripple Antonia (87) unacceptable'

Gepubliceerd op 8 november 2016 om 14:15

Antonia from Twello is 87 years old and half-paralyzed. She'll be quite at home, but needs a little help. Caregiver Sensire wanted to provide help, but only after she signed a contract that they did not know the contents. It earned its towering accounts.


Politicians shocked by the pressurization of the aged, cripple Twellose. "Ripped from the pot" and "totally unacceptable" said VVD MP Potters. He announces to ask oral questions to State Secretary Van Rijn. Others call the actions "shocking" (50Plus) and 'unheard' (CU).

Two and a half years, Antonia was well organized; she had a permanent carer and was happy. To care organization stopped it in June in Twello, due to lack of clients in her hometown. Antonia had to find another care provider.

Two weeks after coming to Sensire her stair lift broke down. On a Friday. Therefore ,, I was all weekend bedridden; Monday could be a mechanic there only. "

Annoying, but not insurmountable, found the spry 87-year-old. ,, But on Friday, to get something for five, there were suddenly two men in my bedroom. Unannounced, and I always have my mobile with me. "

They were visiting nurses Sensire. ,, They forced me to sign a document to agree to a contribution for my daily care. My PGB was not high enough, they said. I asked if I could read the form, because I always do. I'm still very good, but they acted as if I am not quite right anymore. "

She continues: ,, There was no time to read it, they said. It had to be arranged for five hours "Antonia drew: ,, They said if I did not do that, I have no more help the next morning would receive..."

Outrageous, she likes it. ,, And inhumane, it takes just about money. If I had an extra time to the toilet, which cost me fifty euro. "

A month after the Bedroom visit is the first account on the mat. More than 1,800 euros. She calls with Sensire, but is rebuffed. ,, My attendant then told that I was 'difficult' ... "

Another account
A month later follows a bill of 2,000 euros. Last week the third. During the interview, calling a legal officer of the municipality. They are working on the case. A week later, Antonia gets the message that they still can do nothing for her.

Startled a reminder the Twellose the bills already paid. All she had to even speak about the value of her house to cough up the € 6,000. ,, I had to really pull all empty pots, "she sighs. ,, I just state pension with a small pension, and I also have life ..."

Other law
Sensire takes for the district nurses. ,, They have acted properly. '' Although the need for care (and display) of the 87-year-old Twellose nothing has changed, she fell or under any other law through its transition. This gives them a right to care less hours than before.

That Antonia is put under pressure felt to put a signature on that says spokesman Thea Wassink: ,, The district nurses, Mrs informed several times but a signature must be put at a given moment. '

The unannounced entry at the elderly woman says Sensire that the district nurses indeed previously had to call. ,, But this are already offered repeatedly apologize to the customer and accepted them. ''

Sensire claims to understand the overall misunderstanding of Mrs. good. ,, It is at this moment how the concern is in the Netherlands. Everyone must abide by rules that almost no one understands. We are simplifying legislation. ''

Meanwhile Antonia away at Sensire. She is now at Buurtzorg and will there still care in kind.,, I start slowly to be a little quieter, but have had sleepless nights. I've cried more in three months than in the rest of my life. "

By Editors AD: Photo: Ronny to Wechel

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