Students of the special defense training Veva stem the massive army backs. The armed forces would like to see three-quarters as a soldier or sailor goes to work, but has just 30 percent.
Half of the students took over last year after not even finishing their training to apply it to the lower positions in the army, according to defense turns out an internal evaluation.
With students who do enroll, takes 20 percent of the accelerated military training not. Even a premium of 10,000 euros that can collect techies since 2012 when they started last in defense four years, insufficient new recruits pulls over.
The shortage of new soldiers mostly occurs in men. At the higher ranks - from sergeant - is enough new recruits.
Why did the soldiers leave in droves fail is not clear, but it surprised President Anne-Marie Snels union AFMP not. ,, There is so much in recent years cut back on defense, that this has repercussions on new people. They read those messages too. A job at defense is currently a very precarious situation. ''
An annual intake of young people is vital to keep vital the military. Military army General Leo Executioners agrees that the military has a big problem and warns that this should be resolved soon, "because otherwise too few well-trained soldiers and NCOs inflows and we erode the Army."
How to do this, is not yet clear. January 1 is already adjusted to the military training of Veva pupils in each case. They now have more time to retrieve the keys. That should prevent failure pupils.
High school
According to chairman Jean Debie union VBM defense would do well to start even earlier with people rouse the army. ,, They must show much more in secondary schools see the highlights on Defence. As the choices for the future are made. "" It would also help if defense is a better employer than companies.
The special education Security and Craftsmanship (Veva) steams MBO students ready for a job in the army. The program was conceived by the military and the ROCs. The students are already taught the mores of the army during the lessons. They also run several times a year internship in barracks.
Students are not required to join the army to work after their training. They can also opt for a job in business.
By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters
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