Fernando Ricksen require access to shared assets

Gepubliceerd op 15 november 2016 om 15:17

Former soccer international Fernando Ricksen (40) will of his former wife Graciela L'Ami know where the total power remains still to be divided after their divorce in 2009. His lawyer Ivo Sigmond today demanded the court in Alkmaar access to the money.


According Fredricksen, who suffers from the fatal disease ALS, the woman moves from account to account money to keep it out of his sight. This was done at the request of L'Ami behind closed doors.

Fredricksen and L'Ami are sixteen years embroiled in a legal battle for the assets account, which is worth a total amount of over 950,000 euros. Court and Court of Appeal have already been shown how the money should be divided, but L'Ami has appealed against the ruling of the court. The procedure at the Supreme Court is still pending.

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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