OVV ignored Russian information

Russia has in a letter to the UN Dutch Dutch Safety Board (OVV) accused of bias in the investigation into the sinking of the MH17. According to the letter, the Dutch have the information that the Russians have provided systematically ignored.

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Coalition: sober housing asylum seekers and to no prevail more

Het kabinet wil asielzoekers met een verblijfsvergunning geen voorrang meer geven bij de verdeling van sociale huurwoningen. Om de doorstroming uit de asielzoekerscentra toch te verbeteren willen VVD en PvdA de vluchtelingen plaatsen in "sobere, maar rechtvaardige" huisvesting. The Government wants asylum seekers with a residence permit no longer give priority in the allocation of social housing. To the flow from the asylum seeker centers want to VVD and PvdA anyway to improve the refugee places in "austere, but fair" housing.

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